Simplon 24 takes our customers’ position into consideration and provides a quick small payment cashing service with the lowest commission.

Simplon 24 takes our customers’ position into consideration and provides a quick small payment cashing service with the lowest commission.

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A surprise analysis of small payment cashing and gift certificate cashin

Advantages and disadvantages of selling gift certificates directly
Let me first explain the advantages of selling gift certificates directly.
There are various types of gift certificates, and if you purchase and sell them directly, the commission fee is low (about 10% to 15%). Since it is similar to cash, the gift certificate market price is high, and the advantage is that you can sell it right away when you need cash. There are several ways to sell gift certificates: personal transactions, sales through various apps, and sales to businesses. The disadvantage of selling gift certificates is that they are easily exposed to fraud because they are pin number transactions, and if you sell gift certificates that are not often used in the market, you can sell them. The disadvantage is that it may take a long time to process. Since gift certificates have a set expiration date, they must be used within the set expiration date. Accordingly, if you want to sell quickly and safely, the best way is to sell through an officially registered company.

Regarding the market price for cashing out small payments
Most small payment cashing fees are set at 70% to 75%.
The market price varies slightly from company to company, but if there is a policy or non-payment, the market price will vary.
The reason why policy products have lower commission rates than general micropayment products is because margins are low and there are risks such as the time it takes to resell the purchased product. There are many
policy and non-payment products available, and rates vary by product. There are some changes, so please keep this in mind in advance. Sometimes, if they say they will pay an absurd rate, it is highly likely that the company is a fraud, so proceed with caution

Why fees are different for each micropayment company
The reason why commissions are different for each micropayment company is because the margins are different for each product and the products they have may be different. For example, if you make a payment through Coupang, assuming that company A pays 60% and company B pays 70%, the reason the payment rate is high is because the products among the various products in Coupang are different, so the margins also vary. Accordingly, you must check with companies that offer ridiculously high rates. Items that take a long time to sell and do not sell well are a risk for the company, so the payment rate is bound to be lower. That is why the fees are different for each click here micropayment company.

Regarding the limit on cashing out small payments
The maximum mobile phone micropayment limit is 1 million won per month, and the limit is calculated according to the copyright's policy.
You can check your small payment limit on your telecommunication company app, and it can be raised or lowered.
Newly activated mobile phones have a limited limit, and you can use up to 300,000 won per month.
If you use it consistently, your level will increase and your micropayment limit will automatically increase

What is information usage fee cashing ?
Let’s take a look at cashing out information usage fees, which seems similar to cashing out small payments but is different.
Cashing out information usage fees refers to using an individual's mobile phone information usage fee limit and
cashing it out after paying for Lineage M Diamond or other content on the Google Play Store.

The most common payment is Lineage M Diamond cash, and
if you pay in this way on the Google Play Store, [content usage fee] is
indicated on the statement, so you can think of the content usage fee and information usage fee as the same thing.

Definition of information usage fee (content usage fee)
Information usage fee and content usage fee have the same meaning and are the same thing. In addition, Google information usage fee using Google Play Store
, Google cashing, Google Play Store cashing, etc. all refer to information usage fee (content usage fee) cashing.

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